wisdom-sign[1]There’s a saying that goes:  “The one true gift of age is wisdom.” This subject comes up quite a bit between us here at 3TWO1. Especially when we’re talking about injury. Boy, have we had our share over the last 2 years. Call it inexperience, call it overtraining, call it not listening to your body or call it a freak accident.  Aren’t we supposed to learn from our oh so wise body? Listen.. it’s telling you something. What’s that? Oh, be mindful, be careful, be patient, don’t eat crap, get some rest, take some time off, go see your massage therapist regularly, Linda (sorry, sorry-my inner voice). As we age (2 out of 3 of us are in our 50’s) we are STILL learning to do all of that stuff.

This last year marked a truly pivotal time for me personally. My first phase as a  parent had come to an end, with the exit of my college-bound son. Change is afoot! I’m not in such a hurry to get stuff done and I get to focus on myself more. My life is full for sure. I’m married and run a personal chef service, but I have so much more time to do CF!  Yes!! But there’s a big shift in how I’m operating here: I now take more days off from training (making sure I do daily mobility), scale the hell out of my weights and find that I’m still getting stronger and better. Thus ensuring my ability to continue to work that body.

So allow me to mother you a bit: We’re talking strength for longevity, people! In my opinion that’s what all this CF stuff is about. Really, what’s the rush? Is Reebok really  just waiting for you to get better? Are your sponsors knocking down your door?! My advice. Get old and wise. (with an amazing body and a healthy mind)

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